A mother’s eyes

Published 11:27 pm Friday, May 11, 2012

By Chris Surber

Is there anything more versatile, more influential, or more desirable than a mother’s eyes?

A father looks into the beauty of a woman’s eyes and sees a family in his future. A stranger catches the glance of a mother’s eyes as she wrangles her young children across the street; he smiles, knowing her eyes are busy looking out for the lives of those precious little ones. Is there anything more comforting than a mother’s look of concern to a child when he is hurting or in need?

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Is there anything more reassuring to a woman’s child as she ventures off into adulthood than the proud look of her mother watching, with tears streaming, as her little one goes out into the world?

I love the African proverb that says that in the eyes of its mother every beetle is a gazelle. What loving mother does not look at her little baby and see the future? Oh, what vision is found in the eyes of a loving, nurturing, caring mother!

What can compare to the teaching of a mother in the life of a child? Do not be so deceived as to believe it is primarily the so-called experts, government, religious leaders like me or even institutions of education that shape each and every next generation. The virtue or corruption of the minds of tomorrow’s society is the consequence of the love, training, and coaching of the mothers of today.

Surely that old Spanish proverb is filled with truth that says “An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy.”

What can the leaders of society do but to hone the virtues that are placed securely into the hearts of children by their mothers? The virtues that children learn from their mothers are the most securely fashioned elements of the human heart.

In other words, mom, be very careful and mindful of what you place into the heart of that little one. The loving guidance he is given now is the seed that shall grow into the character he possesses as a man.

That is why the Bible tells all parents to “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6 ESV)

Be mindful of the content of your gaze, mom. The loving eyes of moms today shape the compassion, care and character of the people of tomorrow. Mom, your responsibility is great, but the God who gave you the gift of your children and them the gift of you will give you the strength needed. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13 ESV)

The vision you possess for your children today is creating tomorrow. You sow the seeds of tomorrow. We are indebted to your loving gaze, which shapes the vision of the next generation.