Another great Relay
Published 9:45 pm Saturday, May 19, 2012
One of Suffolk’s hallmark events came to a successful conclusion as the sun was rising over the city on Saturday morning. Participants in the 2012 Suffolk Rockin’ Relay for Life helped ensure that the annual American Cancer Society fundraiser once again met its goals of raising funds to be used in the fight against cancer, supporting those who are personally engaged in that battle, honoring those who have beaten the disease and remembering those who ultimately lost the fight.
As with all major fundraising events, this one succeeds on the basis of hard work by hundreds of people — the American Cancer Society staff members who lead the effort, the Relay participants, the folks who solicit donations to the cause, the people who make those donations and the countless volunteers who do everything from setting up tables and chairs to providing entertainment for the participants to directing traffic to and from Bennett’s Creek Park, where the event was held.
All those people worked this year toward the singular goal that is encapsulated in the Cancer Society’s tagline, “The Official Sponsor of Birthdays.”
The organization estimates that half of all men and one-third of all women in the United States will develop cancer in their lifetimes. Currently, according to statistics on the ACS website, about 12 million people in the U.S. have had some type of cancer. Some have beaten it and are cancer-free, and others are still fighting the disease.
Events like the Relay for Life help raise money to fund the research that organizers and volunteers hope will one day result in a widespread cure for cancer. It’s a big dream, but big dreams are often necessary for big results.
Congratulations to those who participated in or helped organize Suffolk’s Rockin’ Relay for Life. Even before the fundraising results are known, they have every reason to be proud of the work they did this year.