Man arrested in child porn case

Published 9:17 pm Thursday, July 19, 2012

Suffolk police have charged a North Carolina man with production of child pornography after he allegedly communicated with law enforcement personnel on Facebook, believing he was chatting with a teenage girl.

Mark Tracy Baines Jr., 31, of the 1100 block of Drum Hill Road in Gates, allegedly attempted to solicit what he believed to be a minor to pose nude for photographs and participate in sexual activities, according to a city news release.


Baines allegedly claimed to be a part-time photographer operating under the name “OBX HOTSHOTS” and said he was looking for female models.

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Several computers were seized during a search of Baines’ North Carolina residence, according to the release. Additional charges are possible.

He was arrested Wednesday on a charge of producing, distributing or financing child pornography and is being held without bond at Western Tidewater Regional Jail.