Police reports for Aug. 2
Published 8:24 pm Friday, August 3, 2012
Aug. 2
False police report, Henley Place
Obtain money by false pretenses, Hosier Road
Simple assault, Friar Court
Theft from motor vehicle, College Drive
Break and enter, residential, Pitchkettle Road
Break and enter, residential, Sleepy Hole road
Vandalism of private property, Lee Street
Grand larceny, North Street
Simple assault, Wellons Street
Brandishing a firearm, Brook Avenue
Theft from motor vehicle, Nansemond Parkway
Simple domestic assault, Cullodan Street
Petit larceny, Harbour Towne Parkway
Simple domestic assault, Airport Road
Simple domestic assault, Byrd Street
Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, East Pinner Street
Ralph Lovell Williams, 46, break and enter with intent to commit felony
Irving M. Twine, 31, driving under the influence of alcohol
Shenika Michelle Trotter, 34, simple assault and battery
Clifford Johnson, 32, simple assault and battery
Antwoine Fredrico Whitaker, 31, rape
George Bazemore, 46, revocation of suspended sentence
Kenneth Jamar Jackson, 18, contributing to the delinquency of a minor
Wanda Ballard Morgan, 53, contempt of court