Thankful for being a Democrat
Published 9:11 pm Friday, November 30, 2012
To the editor:
I tried to wait until all the dust had settled. But after the election, it seems as though the right-wing Republican Party and the crazy Tea Party will never shake the dust off their feet.
First, I give thanks to God for giving us back President Obama to lead this country for four more years. Also, thanks to all who played a part in re-electing him and his fellow Democrats.
As a Christian, I must also congratulate those of the other party for their accomplishments in the elections. But I also feel I must say that never in all my years of participating in politics have I heard such mean and hateful things as those things that were said and many of those that were done to this president. Yet President Obama showed the God within him by not responding to all that garbage that was thrown at him.
I sometimes wonder why there are still people who believe in the dirty, low-down, street-fighting behavior that has been demonstrated to President Obama. During this election, we saw our president hung in effigy. Are we regressing as a people?
I thought those who helped run this wonderful country God has allowed us to live in are supposed to be educated, intelligent and able to tolerate whatever may confront them.
Our forefathers, and our God, would not be proud of our leaders’ inability to respect each other’s differences and their unwillingness to find some common and sensible ground to solve this country’s problems.
Just saying “No,” as the Republican Party did for the last four years in an attempt to defeat President Obama, has resulted in hurting millions of Americans who have lost homes and jobs, when positive action and consensus-building was needed.
From what I’ve seen for the past couple of years, I’m wondering if the Democratic Party is the only party with good common sense related to other human beings. Remember, we are all humans, created by God — regardless of how others may see us.
If all Christians who really know the Bible would only heed it in a Christ-like way, we all would be much better off. We are all God’s children, whether we are good, bad or otherwise. But with all our good, we are still as filthy as rags in God’s eyes, so we all need to straighten up and act like Christians.
Who knows whether President Obama was chosen by God to lead our country? We should be careful when we try to step all over him or any other human being.
This country belongs to God and God alone, not to us. So respect it and love one another.
I’m so thankful for being a proud Democrat.
Lucille Dildy