10 questions for your beloved
Published 9:54 pm Tuesday, February 12, 2013
By Rex Alphin
These questions are not my own. I first heard them spoken at a wedding ceremony and thought them appropriate for such a time as this. With the speaker’s permission, I submit them to you.
Perhaps this endeavor is best practiced not in upright position, for the answers may alter your perception of yourself. Those answers on which you find yourself most defensive should be most revelatory.
Find the appropriate time and cast the questions to your beloved. Demand honesty — if you dare!
1. Do you believe that you have all my affections?
2. What picture do you think I have of you in my mind?
3. How well have I protected your name?
4. What can I do to give you break, to rest?
5. Where have I been unresponsive to your needs, or selfish in my agenda?
6. Where am I too easily irritated? What seems to trigger my anger?
7. Where haven’t I trusted you like you deserved?
8. Where am I a taker when I should be a giver?
9. What about my words — when are they hurtful, how can they be healing?
10. What else can I do to make you feel more secure and fully heard?
If you read between the lines, you’ll notice these questions are based on none other than the Ten Commandments. I wish you well, reader.
Rex Alphin of Walters is a farmer, businessman, author, county supervisor and contributing columnist for the Suffolk News-Herald. His email address is rexalphin@aol.com.