Get your tickets for second-chance prom

Published 11:09 pm Monday, March 18, 2013

Project Lifesaver is perhaps one of the best-kept secrets in Suffolk, but it shouldn’t be.

The program, which is free to participants (but accepts donations from those who can afford it), outfits people who are prone to wander with transmitters and trains firefighters to use tracking equipment that homes in on the signals emitted by the transmitters.

Those eligible for the program include children with autism or Down syndrome, adults with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or brain injury, or any other condition that makes them prone to wander.

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Lt. Mason Copeland, who coordinates Suffolk’s program, says it saves time and money for the city but, more importantly, gives families peace of mind and potentially saves lives. The average time for finding a Project Lifesaver client is around 30 minutes, while the average search for someone who isn’t a client is much longer and has the potential of ending with a tragic find.

Though clients don’t pay, the program is pretty costly. The transponders cost $300 each, and a set of tracking equipment costs between $1,000 and $1,300.

Fortunately, the community has been supportive of the program in the past with grants, funding from local organizations and individual donations. But it has recently started to raise funds, and its first fund-raiser will take place next month with a second-chance prom.

If you never got to go to your high school prom, or just want to relive the experience, now is your chance. The event will feature cocktail hour, dinner and dancing at the Planters Club on April 27.

Tickets are $75 per couple or $40 for individuals. Get your tickets now by emailing or calling 754-8787. It will be a fun night for a good cause that directly benefits your friends and neighbors’ families, and I encourage everyone to attend.