Atkins-Brady joins Paul D. Camp staff

Published 7:45 pm Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dr. Tara Atkins-Brady, formerly of Piedmont Virginia Community College, has been appointed as Paul D. Camp Community College’s new vice president of academic and student development.



Atkins-Brady will fill the position of Dr. Maxine Singleton, who is retiring as vice president after 12 years of service to Paul D. Camp Community College and almost 35 years of total service to the Virginia Community College System.

As chief academic officer for the college, Atkins-Brady will be responsible for the administration of all instructional areas, curriculum development and review; student activities oversight and engagement; as well as overseeing the college’s Learning Resources programs and assets.

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Atkins-Brady worked at PVCC since 2003, and most recently as its director of institutional research, planning and institutional effectiveness. During her tenure with PVCC, she also held positions as student success initiative director; SACS Reaffirmation Study coordinator; interim dean

of business, mathematics and technologies; and instructor. In addition, her previous experience includes positions at the Milton Hershey Boarding School in Hershey, Pa., and at the University of Virginia.

Atkins-Brady received her Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Virginia. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in biology from the College of William and Mary.

“We are thrilled to have such an esteemed and well-qualified person such as Dr. Atkins-Brady join our ranks,” said President Paul Conco. “The College is excited about her joining the Paul D. Camp Community College team, and we expect great new things to come with this move.”