‘Stop Hunger’ is a worthy cause

Published 12:25 am Friday, January 17, 2014

With the Christmas season behind them, many folks in the area are now on diets in an effort to lose a few of the extra pounds they may have put on as a result of all the rich holiday foods they consumed. Others are busy trying to honor the New Year’s resolutions they made to lose weight in 2014.

Even among the poor in the area, few are worried about finding their next meal. America has many programs to help feed the poor, and there are many charitable organizations ready to step in where government programs leave off.

The same cannot be said for much of the world, where devastating hunger is a way of life for many people.

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Recognizing that fact, four area Rotary clubs, including both from Suffolk, are teaming up this year with Ebenezer United Methodist Church and other volunteers to package what organizers hope will be 100,000 meals for families in undeveloped countries.

The sixth annual Stop Hunger Now event is expected to draw hundreds of volunteers to the church in Eclipse on Feb. 1. There, participants will spend the day packaging meals in quart-sized Ziplock bags that can each feed a family of six.

“We take so much for granted in the U.S., because food is so plentiful,” said Wendy Hosick, president of the North Suffolk Rotary Club, which will be joined by the Suffolk, Churchland and Smithfield Rotary clubs in the effort this year. “To think that one plastic bag could feed a family of six is overwhelming.”

Volunteers also are being asked to bring along at least one canned food item apiece to be donated to the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia to help counter hunger at the local level.

“We are really trying to end hunger from a local and international perspective,” Hosick said in an interview this week.

There is still room for more volunteers to help with the effort. To participate, send an email to spepa.ford@gmail.com. Just think: The work you do there will feed families in desperate need of a good meal — and it will give you a bit of exercise in the bargain.