Paws gala a success
Published 11:44 pm Friday, February 7, 2014
A “conservative guestimate” of the amount of money raised at the Suffolk Humane Society’s inaugural Paws for the Arts Gala tops $10,000.
Animal lovers consider that a huge success for a first-time event.

Even dogs came dressed in their best to the Suffolk Humane Society’s inaugural “Paws for the Arts” event last week. Event organizers believe the shindig raised more than $10,000 for the society’s programs.
“It was a really big success for us,” said event coordinator Rhonda Jones. “We had to keep going back to the Hilton to see how many more tables we could add to the room.”
It was sold out with nearly 100 people in attendance, Jones said, as well as 30 volunteers that helped out. About 120 items were auctioned, with bidders using paw-shaped paddles.
“It was wonderful to see the support of the actual auction part of it,” Jones said.
Since the event combined love of animals and the arts, many of the auction items were artwork. Many people contacted the humane society to support the auctions with artwork and other items up for bid.
“We’re very appreciative to the community,” Jones said. “It was refreshing and heart-warming to see the community come together as they did in support of such a wonderful cause.”
Even dogs were welcomed at the event, and many came dressed for the occasion.
The Suffolk Humane Society conducts a number of programs to encourage spaying and neutering, advocate adoption, teach humane treatment of animals and promote the human/animal bond.
“It was a success as far as I could tell and from what everybody said,” Jones said. “We had lots of compliments from the attendees about how well it went. We’re looking forward to next year and hope to see even greater support.”