What’s wrong with evolution?

Published 9:59 pm Friday, February 14, 2014

By Chris Surber

I’m a Christian. I’m a Bible-believing, Jesus-tattoo having, Bible-teaching, preaching, praying, meeting-leading, evangelical Jesus freak. From my Facebook page to the programmed radio stations in my car, my whole life screams that I love God.

But when it comes to evolution, I don’t even have to crack a Bible, pray a prayer, or quote Answers in Genesis. Evolution is so busted on its merit that even if I weren’t a follower of Jesus I wouldn’t be a follower of Darwin.

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Darwinian evolution is not possible based on the simple fact that it assumes new information can be formed from a combination of old information. Evolution begins with the idea that if given enough time and pressure, new information will arise out of old information. This is madness.

DNA is like a genetic library. No matter how hard I might try, I could never pull out any information from a library that didn’t already exist. New combinations of information, yes. New information, no.

The answer to this for proponents of Darwinian evolution is genetic mutation. The idea goes that given enough time and pressure, occasional and random genetic mutations that do occur in nature will produce a creature better suited for its environment. Then that creature will breed and pass on its genes.

There is one major problem with this idea. The problem is that, without exception, genetic mutations lead to less genetic information, not more. They lead to deformities that hinder an organism’s ability to function and very often they lead to sterility.

This begs a discussion of irreducible complexity, and it is difficult to imagine a way around this matter. Many structures found in nature, such as the eyes of mammals, are so complex that without even one part of them operating perfectly they would fail to work at all.

When even small parts of most complex organs are removed or fail, the affected organism is often unable to survive, which means that an evolving and inoperative eye would have doomed mammals to extinction.

This still doesn’t address the giant elephant in the room. Even if it were possible that evolution could account for the dramatic biodiversity in our world, where did the original material come from? Evolutionists admit that they don’t have an answer for origins but assert that it’s wrongheaded to assume we need one.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not comfortable embracing an all-encompassing worldview that rests on a foundation of uncertainty — especially not when it does so in such a conceitedly sure way.

There’s a lot I don’t know. There are a lot of questions the Bible raises and doesn’t answer in the concrete scientific way I wish it would. But, when it comes to evolution there is so much wrong with it that even if it was right it would still be wrong.

Even if I didn’t take God at His Word — the Bible — I wouldn’t buy evolution.

Chris Surber is pastor of Cypress Chapel Christian Church in Suffolk. Visit his website at www.chrissurber.com.