Continue to bless homeless

Published 9:15 pm Monday, February 24, 2014

To the editor:

When I read “A blessing for the homeless (Editorial, Feb. 21, 2014), I considered an essential aspect of life: giving.

Many people do not reflect on the less fortunate individuals who do not have food to eat or clothes to wear. We only focus on the materials we have, without thinking of ones who are not as lucky.

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People should start giving more. It is easy to take for granted the things we have. The hard part is taking time to give to others.

It benefits when you give to others, because it helps those who are in need. They want help, not a few coins or dollars.

Instead of focusing on the stereotypes that surround homeless people, we should commit more efforts to provide homeless people with the qualities of life, such as food, clothing and shelter. As a community that cares for the well being of citizens, let us continue to bless the homeless.

Michaela Twitty
