Missing the wisdom of Coach Christian
Published 11:05 pm Thursday, June 12, 2014
To the editor:
I often wonder what advice my daddy would give President Obama.
My father was the most intelligent man I know. Of course, all children say that about their dads, but others actually thought that of my daddy as well. My daddy was Charles O. Christian — Coach Christian to so many.
He served on many boards and committees and those who served with him often said he was thought-provoking, even if they did not always agree with his opinions. He seemed to have a discerning spirit.
He just simply seemed to think through all situations and come up with fantastic solutions. It did not matter if he was coaching or simply giving advice to others. He advised students, adults — everyone and anyone.
He encouraged so many people to further their education, whether at Booker T. Washington High School (which a media specialist informed me was his pride and joy), Suffolk High School, John F. Kennedy High School or Norfolk State University. He coached and nurtured everyone.
His gems of wisdom were simple, yet profound. My favorite was: “When Jesus had two fish and five loaves of bread, I bet someone wanted their bread toasted and their fish filleted. You can’t please everyone all the time.”
I did not understand or often agree with his advice as a teenager, but later in life I realized he was only looking out for my sister and me.
I miss Daddy’s wisdom. I have been told by so many people who worked in organizations with him, or were coached, counseled or taught by him — or who were just with him — that they, too, miss his presence, his wisdom and his wit.
I know he is in heaven having a conversation with God — a very thought-provoking conversation.
I miss you, Daddy. Happy Father’s Day.
Charlene E. Christian-Andrews