Going beyond the call of duty
Published 9:32 pm Wednesday, June 25, 2014
To the editor:
I am writing today, because there is someone that should be recognized for a job well done. This letter regards Cynthia Priest at the Walmart pharmacy located at 1200 N. Main St.
I have been a client there for numerous years and have always received adequate treatment. However, last month, when refilling my ex-husband’s prescriptions, Ms. Priest went out of her way to guide me regarding less expensive ways to get the much-needed medications. Due to his severe illness, he has numerous medications, and many are not covered by insurance.
Pharmacies I have used in the past just filled the prescription — no kind words, no extra personal attention, just a very high price. Such behavior sharply contrasts with the excellent, friendly and personal service I received from Ms. Priest.
She was extremely busy while I was there, taking phone calls and helping others. I remember hearing her stomach growl and asked when she would get to go to lunch. She replied that it would be a while.
Despite her hunger, she was more than pleasant with everyone, smiling and going the extra mile to ensure they received their medications. She has such compassion for everyone, especially the elderly, taking time to explain things to them that most would not.
By the time that I left, what could have cost well over $630 ended up costing only $35. That brought tears to my eyes. She was a godsend.
I want Cynthia Priest to receive my personal gratitude. I thank you. We thank you!
Cynthia Cossu