Website comment system to change
Published 9:16 pm Monday, August 25, 2014
There’s good news on tap for those who like to interact with the Suffolk News-Herald and their fellow readers online.
The newspaper’s website will convert its comments system to the popular and robust Disqus system on Wednesday.
The Disqus system allows readers to easily tag off-topic or offensive posts, it includes simple tools for tracking the thread of conversations within strings of comments and it will free up valuable space on the newspaper’s web servers, which should make the site run faster and more efficiently for users.
One big change regular users will notice is that they no longer have to be registered on the Suffolk News-Herald site to make comments on stories. There are multiple login options available — through Facebook, Google or Twitter, for instance. And users who choose to register directly with Disqus can then comment on thousands of other sites and blogs that use Disqus across the Internet.
It will no longer be necessary to register and log in to the SNH website in order to read or post comments.
Registration is intuitive, and after a user’s initial registration, the transition should be seamless, according to SNH Publisher Steve Stewart, who announced the change in an email to staff members last week.
For more information about Disqus, visit