Time for change in Suffolk
Published 8:39 pm Saturday, October 4, 2014
To the editor:
Our present City Council has given us two tax increases (garbage fees and property tax) at a time when the economy is at its worst since the Great Depression.
The city government continues to grow, and city management personnel get unheard-of raises. This is the same government that is spending borrowed money at a breakneck pace on things including a new City Hall, city garages, animal shelter, fire stations, police stations, schools, health buildings and so on.
How much do we really owe?
The teachers, firefighters, and police continue to be underpaid, while we spend unprecedented money on parks and recreation, building another city bureaucracy.
Roads are in terrible condition and continue to deteriorate. The reason for this is that money is squandered on equipment rather than repairs. Personnel are not utilized in a productive way.
Change is possible, but it will not happen with the people we have today. Please join me in making a clean sweep and getting responsible people in office.
We have excellent, well-qualified new people running for City Council.
Buddy Joyner