Remember the sacrifices of veterans
Published 10:16 pm Saturday, October 11, 2014
To the editor:
On Oct. 7, 2001, the U.S. began combat operations in Afghanistan as a response to the attacks on our nation a month earlier. Those operations continue, and more than 2,300 have been killed in action to date.
Those families who carry on after the loss of their loved ones, those warriors who come home with scars seen and unseen and those of us who have been touched by the war in some way are left to carry on with life.
This is not easy, and no person or family should ever be forgotten by our nation for the service and sacrifice they have made. Freedom is not free, and this nation should remember that the cost of war includes the cost of caring for veterans and their families for years after the war has ended.
We are defended by an all-volunteer military, and supporting those who make the commitment is something of a commitment for all citizens.
The Joe Bagley VFW Post 2582 of Suffolk pauses to remember those who have worn the uniform in this war. We call upon the community to support and care for those who have sacrificed, and we call upon the government to appropriate needed funds in support of those who have served.
But, most importantly, we salute those who have served, and we strive to keep alive the memories of those who have paid the ultimate price for us to remain free.
Kenneth Wiseman