Drama criticism was undeserved

Published 10:57 pm Wednesday, November 5, 2014

To the editor:

Wow! I guess in this day and time, it’s easier to point out what’s wrong than what’s right.

Neighbors used to borrow sugar from each other. Now they’re shooting one another. And a high school can’t have a bad theater performance without someone running to a local paper (“KF production a disappointment,” letters, Oct. 16).

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What does such a choice teach our children? Don’t worry about the chain of command. And don’t we get second chances? When are people perfect all the time?

I’m sure even your favorite actress, actor or singer has an off time. I know I have seen several live performances with problems, right on television in front of millions. They come out of it just fine.

In fact, as far as the “bad performance” done by KFHS under the drama coach, it won them third place in their competition. Not bad for a new teacher in a different district with new students.

Good job, students! Hold your heads high. Earning third place in about 30 days with a new director is something to be proud of.

I’m sure if there were students in the play that have been in drama before, they know they need to buckle down and put their best foot forward.

Like everything in school, drama is graded. You don’t just walk in and perform. It takes practice and lots of work. There are times they come in early Saturday morning and stay all day.

How can you compare one performance — the first of the year, under a new director and with new students — to one directed by someone that had been there for years?

We need to learn to accept changes and get along with each other.

For any students reading this, they should be leaders, not followers.

And for anyone who might consider writing a similar letter to the one that appeared Oct. 16, do your own research before stepping forward. Next time you buy a ticket to see KFHS put on a show, at the end of the show, stop by and welcome Ms. Addison to the area. Maybe even ask a few questions to see where she came from and where she has been.

You might just learn a thing or two.

Christy Glover
