Butler registers his second ace

Published 10:04 pm Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Jay Butler of Suffolk was playing golf last Wednesday with a buddy at Cedar Point Country Club when he logged the second hole-in-one of his 30-plus years as a golfer.

The ace came on No. 5 from 153 yards out, and he used a 7-iron. Cedar Point director of golf T.J. Young said No. 5 is the least likely par-3 hole on the course on which to hit a hole-in-one.

“It a long hole, and it’s well-protected by a front left bunker,” he said.

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Butler said, “I just hit a really nice shot.”

He was pretty sure it went in, just looking from afar, but he was not positive because the view was partially obscured.

But once he walked up on the green, “there wasn’t a ball up there, and then I knew I hit one.”

Butler was playing with Zene Fearing, who was also present when Butler hit his first ace about two years ago at Cedar Point.

“I didn’t jump up and down and get excited, because Zene’s had eight,” Butler said. “When I get my ninth, I’ll get excited.”

Explaining Fearing’s extraordinary success in finishing off holes in one shot, Butler said, “He’s lucky, he’s really lucky.”

Butler said he typically shoots in the high 70s to mid 80s. He had a rough start to his round on Wednesday, and the ace helped him to finish with an 83.

“I beat my buddy Zene, and any day I can beat him is a good day,” he said, later adding they have been playing together for 30 years and have similar levels of ability. “I guess we’re probably about even in the long run.”