$250,000 desk?
Published 9:55 pm Saturday, December 27, 2014

Desk: Rumors abound around Suffolk regarding the cost of the desk in City Manager Selena Cuffee-Glenn’s office at the new city hall. The new desk, pictured above, cost $2,016.10 from FSIoffice, not $250,000 as has been widely rumored.
Not quite, city documents show
It’s a salacious rumor that has spread like wildfire throughout Suffolk in recent months.
To some, the idea that the city paid $250,000 — some sources put the figure as high as $350,000 — for City Manager Selena Cuffee-Glenn’s desk was believable, considering that two years ago she accepted a 14-percent raise after years of school and city employees going without raises or with small increases.
Some sources said the desk was inspired by Bugatti, a high-end sports car manufacturer, and manufactured by Luzzo Bespoke, a British furniture manufacturer whose website says its products are “exquisite pieces for discerning clients around the world.”
It would have been a bombshell if it were true. The only problem is that it’s completely false, according to documents provided by the city.
In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the city sent an invoice showing it paid only $2,060.10 for the city manager’s desk to FSIoffice, a Charlotte, N.C.-based company.
According to the invoice, the desk is 72 inches by 36 inches, is made of walnut and features a wood veneer top.
The city also provided a picture of the city manager’s office, showing a fairly standard executive desk that appears to be made of wood — a far cry from the blue-polished, aluminum, 350-component, Bugatti-inspired desk featured in the rumor.
Further, the city provided a sheet of furniture totals for each department, coming to a grand total of $1.9 million for the entire building.
Furniture for the city manager’s entire suite cost $76,000, according to the document. That includes the offices of Deputy City Manager Patrick Roberts, Chief of Staff Debbie George and others who work there.
The department with the heftiest total was the Planning Department, with $328,000 worth of furniture. Close behind was Public Works, at about $280,000.
Those were the only two departments with a total more than the rumored cost of the city manager’s desk.
Those hoping the rumor would be justified by seeing a sports-car-inspired desk in the city manager’s office will be disappointed.
According to Luzzo Bespoke’s website, the desk was a limited edition, anyway — only 10 were made.