Police reports for Jan. 27
Published 10:05 pm Wednesday, January 28, 2015
The following information comes directly from the City of Suffolk Department of Media and Community Relations. It should be noted that a criminal charge is only an accusation and does not indicate a conviction has or will be attained nor that the party listed in the arrest report is guilty of the crime listed.
January 27
Obstructing justice, East Washington Street
Child abuse, Riverside Drive
Tampering with a vehicle, Ben Street
Breaking and entering into a shed, Jones Street
Vandalism of private property, North 10th Street
Identity theft, Peach Wood Court
Hit and run, Nansemond River High School
Grand larceny, North Main Street
Theft from a motor vehicle, Arizona Avenue
Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, Godwin Boulevard
Larceny – shoplifting, College Drive
Missing person, White Ash Court
Runaway juvenile, Nevada Street
Aggravated sexual battery, location withheld
Shooting into an occupied dwelling, Battery Avenue
Simple assault, Nancy Drive
Breaking and entering into a residence, North Broad Street
Simple assault, Crittenden Road
David Lee Whack, 55, assault and battery of a family member (M)
Stephen D. Morris, 45, drinking while operating a motor vehicle (M)
Carolyn Faye Harris, 45, petit larceny (M)
Michael Anthony Williams, 26, accommodating the distribution of marijuana to an inmate (F)
Terrance Maurice Watford, 48, threatening phone calls (M)
M – Misdemeanor
F – Felony