You’ll be impressed
Published 10:18 pm Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Every year, the best young artists in Suffolk have a chance to show off their talent in the annual Exhibit of Excellence: Suffolk Student Art show at the Suffolk Art Gallery. It’s an opportunity for them to get some exposure for their work, along with a bit of experience in the gallery setting. And, perhaps even more important, it’s a chance for the people of Suffolk to see the work of some great aspiring talents.
Linda G. Bunch, executive director of exhibit presenter Suffolk Art League, said the event is older than the gallery itself. The first installment was held in the Birdsong Recreation Center, she said.
“We want to showcase the talents of our students,” Bunch said. “We have incredibly talented students in our school systems, and we want the public to know that.”
This year, 141 students contributed 282 works of art in a variety of mediums. They range from sophomores to seniors in high school and either attend school in Suffolk or live in Suffolk and attend school somewhere else.
Their work was judged this year by Anne Bousquet, an artist, teacher and graphic designer in Norfolk. When the judging was complete, 97 works of art by 86 students had been chosen for the exhibition.
Imani Junious, a student at King’s Fork High School, earned this year’s Best in Show award for her pencil sketch “I Am Society.” Besides Junious, other award winners included Nansemond River High School’s Diamond Parker, first place, with “A Mother’s Love”; Nansemond-Suffolk Academy’s Holly Reina, second place, with “Pedal On”; and Lakeland High School’s Dominique Simmons, third place, with “Study.”
The exhibit continues at Suffolk Art Gallery, 118 Bosley Ave., through Feb. 27. Make some time to go and see how talented these young artists really are. You’ll be impressed.