Good things ahead in 2015
Published 8:12 pm Thursday, February 12, 2015
By Susan Davis
The Suffolk Division of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce is excited to be involved and engaged in this dynamic and diverse growing city and region.
As a resident of Suffolk and financial professional, I have seen firsthand the many excellent opportunities the chamber provides businesses of all sizes. Each business day, the Chamber offers a chance for you to benefit from professional education programs, public policy discussions and networking.
The Suffolk Division and the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce have long been engaged in the complex and challenging issues facing the rich, diverse communities that make up the Hampton Roads region.
The Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce is a business organization that sets the conditions by which other businesses can succeed and grow in the region. So whether it’s transportation, economic diversification, work force development or entrepreneurship, we will be advocating for the business community.
In 2015, the Suffolk Division has a full slate planned, including the informative State of the City luncheon on May 14, as well as two outdoor networking and business promotional events and several open membership meetings to be held at businesses throughout the city.
Our next purposeful membership meeting is a tour of a new investment in our community. Beginning at 8 a.m. on Feb. 17, you can be among the first to tour the new Washington Square Apartments. Prior to the meeting, a complimentary breakfast will be provided at East Coast Taco Co., located at 116 W. Washington St., for business networking.
I strongly urge businesses large and small in Suffolk to consider joining the Chamber. You’ll not only give your business a leg up, but you’ll be helping to further improve Suffolk and the quality of life in the region.
Visit the Chamber’s website at or contact Suffolk Division Membership Chair MaryBeth Ballard at or Dean McClain at 664-2560 to find out more about this premiere organization.
Susan Davis is the 2015 Suffolk Division Chair for the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce. Email her at