Eure inducted into Alpha Chi

Published 5:43 pm Saturday, March 7, 2015

Chowan University inducted 11 new students into the Alpha Chi National Honor Scholarship Society during a special ceremony in Vaughan Auditorium on March 2.

Blake Eure, a junior elementary education major from Suffolk, was one of the inductees.

In order to become a member of Alpha Chi, a student must have successfully completed 24 hours of class credit at Chowan. During this time, a student must earn a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher, and a student must scholastically be part of the top 10 percent of the junior and senior classes.

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Being a member of Alpha Chi gives students a better chance at earning money towards their educations. The society offers special scholarships and fellowships to provide opportunities for continued growth and service. Also, if a member is employed by the federal government, he or she may be given a higher starting salary than non-members.