Hashtag takes second place
Published 8:02 pm Friday, May 1, 2015
Beth Branch describes her dog’s name as a given, considering the fact that she lives in “a house full of teenagers” with whom media is popular.
Hashtag — so named after the modern name for the octothorpe or pound sign, which functions on social media sites as a way to join posts of related types together — joined the family as a surprise on Jan. 2. The family was driving back from a Christmas trip to Florida and picked him up on the way.
Branch said the Scottish terrier — the family sometimes renders his name as simply # — fits in perfectly with the family, which also includes her husband, Craig, her son, Austin, and her daughter, Autumn.
“A lot of people talk about how hyper terriers are, but his personality fits with the family just for the sheer fact he sleeps all night,” she said. “When you say you’re going to sleep, he’ll get in bed and sleep until the next morning.”
Hashtag, now about five months old, isn’t the only fur baby in the family. There are three cats, but two of them are rarely seen except at mealtimes, Branch said.
The third, Nyla, enjoys playing with Hashtag, and he enjoys stealing her toys.
“He’ll steal them, and they’ll be all over the house,” Branch said, despite the fact Hashtag has numerous toys of his own. “There are days you walk around the house and you would think we live with a 2-year-old toddler.”
Hashtag is quite friendly to humans as well, Branch added.
“He is so funny and probably one of the sweetest dogs you’ll ever meet,” Branch said. “I don’t think there’s anybody he’s ever come in contact with that he does not think is his friend.”
Branch said she’s looking forward to still having a “child” after Austin and Autumn have moved out of the house.
“I’ve always wanted a small dog I could treat like a child,” she said. “The teenagers are going to be graduating and going on to college soon, and I need something to treat like a child.”
Branch drummed up votes from family members and friends on social media. When she and her husband celebrated their wedding anniversary on April 19, they responded to all of the congratulatory phone calls and text messages with “Vote for Hashtag!”
Austin and Autumn had their friends voting as well, she said.
All of the votes were good for Hashtag to take second place in the Priceless Pets Photo Contest.
“He has definitely been a joy to this house,” Branch said.