An Overhaul at Nansemond Pointe

Published 9:28 pm Thursday, May 7, 2015

By Larry E. Riddick

After neglecting mounting hip and back pain

for far too many days,

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A very efficient Maryview crew pointed to

Nansemond Pointe as key ways

for a hip/joint, ‘pill/oint’ rehabilitee

for scars and jars to become pain-free.

First, love was made with some of the

most beautiful nurse aides

followed quickly by a doctor/nurse

love crusade.

Then, the food, maintenance and administrative personnel

made their illustrious love-show-and-tell.

But it was Lu and her physical rehab crew,

including occupational, speech and special activities, too

who receive A’s for their warm and loving ways, through and through,

leading to being physically, mentally and spiritually okay, as they say.

So you see, it wasn’t really hard, renaming each hallway “Love-ya Boulevard”

with loving care, though not perfect, being always there

making it easy to have fun and smile, and spread joy in style, all the while.

I’ll bet all that love is inspired from above, and sent to Room 111

to nurse-aid my feeling of heaven.