Obici site better for park than apartments

Published 7:58 pm Monday, May 18, 2015

To the editor:

I would like to go on record as one who believes the old Louise Obici Memorial Hospital greens would make a wonderful park area.

Try riding around areas of Suffolk where there are multiple housing units and see how many are already vacant. Try riding through low-income housing areas and see the trash and wasted areas that are vacant.

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It isn’t any wonder that people who live in the area across from the road do not want apartments to be built on the former Obici property.

I want to leave this world a better place for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to have a place to go to walk, skate, ride their bicycles and maybe even go fishing.

Even though I am 80 years of age, and I live on a fixed income, I know that I cannot afford more taxes. We are already paying a lot of taxes for a city the size of Suffolk.

Mary Grace Garner-Atkins
