Good news in Isle of Wight

Published 9:58 pm Wednesday, June 3, 2015

We join the Isle of Wight County School Board and others in celebrating the good — no, great — news that Dr. Katrise Perera, the Isle of Wight County schools’ superintendent, is in the running for national recognition as Superintendent of the Year.

Even to be considered is an honor in itself, and it’s one that we support along with the national organization that would and should recognize her.

One of the factors that have put Perera in the running is her skill in leadership, especially when it came to the iSLE 21 technology program for the schools. Specifically we’re thinking of the students’ and teachers’ use of iPads and other technology, which ideally can foster learning as well as make them current with the 21st-century demands of the global market.

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Further, the school system has earned statewide recognition for having a high rate of on-time graduations.

All this comes a week after the school board announced its decision for Perera’s successor: Dr. James Thornton, who begins his duties on July 1. He’ll have big shoes to fill when she leaves, and we’re hopeful that Thornton will not only fill them, but increase their size.

Our fingers and even our toes are crossed that Perera will be recognized as the top superintendent. It would not only be a proverbial feather in her cap, but also a reflection on the faculty, staff and students who make the Isle of Wight County School system a place to learn and grow.