Straighten up and fly right

Published 9:24 pm Tuesday, June 23, 2015

For many parents, it’s just about that time of year by now — the time when their children, home from school for the summer with a couple of weeks worth of vacation under their belts, begin to make everybody at home pine for school to be back in session.

Some parents probably have already had their fill of the chronic complaint: “I’m bored. There’s nothing to do.” Some creative ones have taken advantage of the boredom to conscript the whining kids into service in cleaning the house or helping in the yard. Others have encouraged the kids to find summer jobs. Some lucky ones have found day camps or sitters to take care of the children for the remainder of the summer break and are regaled at dinner with stories of zip lines, swimming pools, games and arts and crafts.

But many Suffolk parents are in no financial position to take advantage of the many day camps and summer programs available to help keep kids occupied and growing during the summer months.

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The Straighten Up and Fly Right program is working to help fill the gap by focusing on providing inexpensive opportunities in sports, performing arts, social skills and health and education.

The organization has football teams that play in weight-restricted and unrestricted classes, soccer and baseball programs, a dance group, a mentoring program and more. It takes local kids on trips to see professional sports figures and others.

Its football and cheering programs operate from both Peanut Park and Bennett’s Creek Park, and organizers are now looking for 200 or so participants in a new baseball program.

Participants can get transportation to and from games, events and practice sessions for just $20 per month per household.

“We are truly the village that’s working together to raise children,” Tyron Riddick, the organization’s president, said. “We get to our destination by propelling youth forward together.”

Perhaps the Straighten Up and Fly Right program is just the answer for your bored children this summer. For more information, email Riddick at