A little bit of news potpourri
Published 9:11 pm Thursday, June 25, 2015
If you’ve got a few free days per month, at least, the local Disabled American Veterans could use your services to run its van helping patients get to their appointments at the Hampton VA Medical Center.
A lack of volunteers has left most Suffolk veterans unable to get to their appointments, according to reporting earlier this week by Matthew Ward. Those who are unable to provide their own transportation for whatever reason — be it physical limitations or financial hardship — aren’t able to get treatment in Hampton.
Donald Schlosser, an Army veteran who lives in Suffolk, says he’s unable to get to his appointments in Hampton because of the lack of volunteers to drive the van.
Keith Davis, who manages the medical center’s DAV van program, said he can use as many new volunteers as he can get but would be happy with just one. That would double the number he currently has, as one of the two current drivers is off for surgery.
So, if you’re available, call Davis at 722-9961. A few hours of your time could mean a better life for several local veterans.
We at the Suffolk News-Herald seem to have done a lot of stories this year about people having items stolen out of their cars — or even having the cars themselves stolen — after leaving them unlocked. Some people made it even easier for the thieves by leaving the keys in their cars.
Reasonable people don’t publish their credit card numbers and Social Security numbers on the Internet or leave their purses or wallets sitting around in public places on purpose, but when it comes to locking their car doors, they are essentially doing the same thing by not doing so.
Police continue to remind citizens to lock their car doors, but it doesn’t seem to be doing much good. So here goes again — lock your car doors. There could hardly be a simpler way to avoid becoming a victim of crime.
The city’s Economic Development Department has put out a survey for citizens to give their input on what kind of businesses they’d like to see at the Obici Place development.
It seems everybody agrees they don’t want another string of cellphone store, mattress store or nail salon. But beyond that, opinions vary.
You can make sure your opinion is heard by going to www.suffolkva.us and clicking on the tab for the survey. You’ll get asked about what types of restaurants, clothing stores, grocery stores and other types of stores and services you would like to see. But probably the most useful part of the survey is the part where you get to make open-ended comments.
It remains to be seen whether the city will actually make an effort to recruit businesses citizens say they want, and whether those businesses agree that opening in downtown Suffolk is worth their while. But knowing there are at least a few customers nearby who want them won’t hurt.