Senate launches ‘shameful attack’ on military

Published 8:29 pm Friday, July 24, 2015

To the editor:

I request strong action now to stop the draconian cuts to the basic housing allowance for military members married to or living with other military members as proposed by the Senate in its version of the FY 2016 Defense Authorization Bill.

This proposal would cost military members thousands of dollars each year and would cause great harm to the finances and well being of military families. On top of that, a proposal has been made to further reduce the value of the housing allowance by another 4 percent.

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These proposals would be particularly destructive for enlisted members but would be unfair to all who are serving.

Congress has long ruled that military members should receive the housing allowance, regardless of whether their spouses also receive it. The Senate language would, in effect, rob military members of that right.

It seems apparent to me that the Senate is targeting quality-of-life programs at all costs, regardless of the impact on those serving this nation.

As a member of the Air Force Sergeants Association, I am extremely upset about this and consider this a shameful attack on military couples. I consider this a major issue, and I feel strongly that the Senate proposals for housing-allowance reductions are unfair and unwarranted.

We must take action to kill these provisions now. Somebody has to stand up for military members and their families. Military members deserve so much better than this, and they deserve our concern and protection when legislative action threatens them and their families.

As a voter, I am very interested in what actions our legislators plan to take on this matter.

Kristin M. Delgado
