Suffolk Foundation opens grant cycle

Published 11:26 pm Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Suffolk Foundation has begun its competitive grant cycle for 2015, officials have announced.

Tax-exempt organizations in Suffolk and the surrounding communities are eligible to apply for grants. Proposed projects must be available to or of benefit to Suffolk residents.

Grants may be awarded in a wide range of categories, including human need; arts, culture and the humanities; education; environment; and health.

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Last year, the Foundation awarded $129,955 in competitive grants to 32 agencies. The Foundation’s total grant value in 2014 was $736,439, which included scholarships and donor-advised grants, according to executive director Win Winslow.

The Foundation has assets of more than $5.5 million and has distributed more than $3.1 million in grants since awarding its first grants to victims of the 2008 tornado. Grant applications are available at the Foundation’s website,, or may be requested by email from Winslow at

All applications must be completed following the Grant Guidelines and returned to 106 W. Finney Ave. in Suffolk by 3 p.m. Oct. 15.

For more information, call Winslow at 923-9090.