Thanks to the community for support

Published 9:14 pm Tuesday, September 8, 2015

To the editor:

It’s been almost a year since the tragic death of my father, Donald Carter Sr.

Reflecting on the year, I realize we made it through this most difficult time with the support of friends, family, neighbors, members from both Bethlehem and Cypress Christian Churches and loyal customers.

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My family was lifted up through our shock and disbelief and profound grief by the community of Suffolk, and, for this, we will remain grateful. We still can’t seem to write a thank you note without a box of tissues nearby, because thoughts of the great kindnesses from so many continue to humble us.

The outpouring of love from the community is quite astounding, and “thank you” doesn’t seem adequate.
Customers and friends still stop by Carter Furniture to express their regret and extend their condolences. Often during these visits, they tell stories of how Dad helped someone in need, or to remind us of days gone by, when he was president of the Ruritan Club or the Civitans.

In his younger years, some referred to my father as “Mr. Suffolk,” because if there was a good cause, odds were Dad was involved.

Many of us grew up believing the Commandment “Honor thy Father and thy Mother” refers to our parents, while others believe it refers to our Heavenly Father and our Mother Earth. Since I wasn’t there when these words were handed down, I’ll cover my bases and strive to do both.

My siblings and I honor our mother by surrounding her with love and support, and we will honor our father by continuing his legacy as long as we are able. Perhaps Dad peeks in from time to time with a sense of pride.

Beth Carter Brown
