Police to hold recruitment open house

Published 10:04 pm Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Police officer hopefuls can learn more about having a career in the Suffolk Police Department at an open house this Saturday.

“It’s a little something new for recent times,” said Sgt. Jesse Epperson. The department held similar events 10 years ago or more but is trying them again, he said.

“We want to recruit police officer candidates from a broad spectrum outside of our ordinary means,” Epperson said. “We’re just trying to do a broad, well-rounded spectrum.”

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The department frequently advertises for police officer candidates on its own website and the city website and visits career fairs hosted by a variety of organizations, Epperson said. It also recruits at military bases during programs for those transferring out of the service.

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Precinct 2, 3903 Bridge Road, participants can learn about the department, the various divisions and positions available, the application and training process, employee benefits and more.

Presentations will be given at the top of every hour from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., followed by a guided tour of the precinct building and demonstrations of departmental equipment.

“That’s when we’ll be delivering the most direct information and having kind of a question and answer session during that time,” Epperson said.

Anyone considering a career in law enforcement, especially with the Suffolk Police Department, should consider attending. The event is not limited to those considering a career; anyone with an interest in the department and the services it offers, such as youth programs or volunteer and internship opportunities, is also welcome.

Epperson said police officer applicants must by 20.5 years old, have been a U.S. citizen for at least 10 years, hold a driver’s license with a minimum point balance of -3, and have a high school diploma or equivalent.

They also must be able to pass a physical agility test, a written test, a background investigation and an oral board interview before entering the police academy. Following the police academy, officers are trained through a post-academy program, which teaches them about law enforcement specifically in Suffolk, and then they hit the streets with field training officers.

Requirements and benefits for other positions within the department, such as dispatchers, animal control officers and forensic technicians, will also be discussed at the event.

Light refreshments will also be served the event. No pre-registration is needed. Call 514-7906 for more information.