JYMS student wins state essay contest
Published 10:15 pm Friday, April 15, 2016

Bryan Wright, left and Gerald Rhoads, adjutant and commander respectively of the American Legion Nansemond Post 88, present essay contest winner Whitney Craig with an award for her essay contest win.
A John Yeates Middle School seventh-grader won third place statewide in the American Legion’s annual essay contest.
“It feels good,” said Whitney Craig, 13, who received a surprise visit Friday at school from Bryan Wright and Gerald Rhoads, adjutant and commander respectively of American Legion Nansemond Post 88. The two representatives delivered Craig’s framed recognition and a $25 award for the state contest.
Craig’s essay won first place in the American Legion’s district and local levels, Rhoads said.
“We knew we had a winner the moment we saw it,” said Rhoads.
In one of her classes last December, students were asked to write an essay answering the question, “Why do you like living in America?” Her teacher submitted the top classroom responses into the American Legion Nansemond Post 88’s contest.
In her essay, Craig wrote that she liked living in America because “we have freedoms and rights that other countries do not have. We have freedom of speech, religion and the right to bear arms.” These are rights that are “nonexistent” in some other countries, she wrote, where jobs are assigned based on race, gender or caste.
Her essay also notes that Americans have equal opportunities in finding jobs and education; the right to elect political leaders; and support and protection by a powerful military.
Craig said the $100 she has received in prizes will be banked for her college fund. She says she want to study medicine.