Character, not race, matters in Olympics
Published 10:26 pm Friday, August 19, 2016
To the editor:
For almost a week, I have tried to watch as much of the Olympics as I could. In any event that an American athletic competed, I have cheered them on regardless of who they were (red, yellow, black or white), since they were representing all of America.
Due to their hard work and persistence, they have become winners. Hurrah! They are winners, based not on “the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
May each of the 300 million plus people in these United States of America achieve their personal goals in whatever they set for themselves, as these athletics have done. They are role models for all of us.
I take umbrage with a column by staff writer Sterling Giles (“Gold, silver and black at the Olympics,” Aug. 16), as he attempted to inject a version of the racially charged “Black Lives Matter” movement into Olympic wins by American athletics. How sad.
Maybe it would be a good idea if the columnist would read a transcript of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech.
D. Saunders