Suffolk woman featured in book

Published 9:51 pm Friday, December 2, 2016

A Suffolk resident is a featured author in a new Amazon best-selling book.

Christine Roebuck authored a chapter of the book “Shift Happens: Inspirational Stories on Finding Happiness, Achieving Success and Overcoming Obstacles” by author Nikki Woods.

Roebuck said a friend of hers put her in touch with Woods and suggested she write about her story. Roebuck told about how she found forgiveness many years about a traumatic experience in her life.

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“A friend of mine told me I had a great story and I should share it,” Roebuck said. “I did it because I know there’s so many people out there that are harboring unforgiveness in their heart.”



Roebuck is a native of Arkansas who moved to Hampton Roads with the Navy. She now is the founder and chief executive officer of the Roebuck Group and of Live My Life Debt Free and also is a financial coach and blogger. She has a Bachelor of Science degree from Regent University.

After the traumatic experience at age 17 — she’s 54 now — Roebuck was not able to forgive until around 1998, when her pastor preached a sermon and “prophesied almost to the letter” about what she was going through.

“That was the day my life shifted,” Roebuck said.

That day, she was able to begin the healing process and now wants others to experience the same fulfillment that comes with forgiving anyone who has done them wrong.

“I was truly holding myself hostage,” Roebuck said of before her shift. “It’s OK not to be OK. To recognize that you’re not OK is key.”

She shared her transformational experience with a friend who thought it made the perfect fit for “Shift Happens.”

It was a seven-month process for Roebuck to write the chapter — titled “Forgive and Live: Letting Go of the Pain” — and go through the editing process.

“It was one of the most incredible experiences I could have been a part of,” Roebuck said. “It was rough in more than one way. I cried even when I didn’t know I was going to cry. It was mixed emotions, but it was all exciting and life-changing.”

A national book launch was held in October in Dallas, and Roebuck was able to attend. The book, which features 33 authors in all, was released in November.

Roebuck will have a local book signing from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Courtyard Marriott, 8060 Harbour View Blvd. She will read from her chapter and be available for photographs. There is no fee, and light hors d’oeuvres will be served.

Reservations are not required for the book signing, but they are encouraged and can be made by calling 377-1817 or emailing