An interview with Santa

Published 12:36 am Sunday, December 25, 2016

EDITOR’S NOTE: In support of its fundraising efforts on behalf of the Suffolk Cheer Fund, the Suffolk News-Herald has been featuring stories this month from well-known folks around the city recalling some of their cherished Christmas memories. To close out the series, we touched base with Santa Claus as he was preparing his sleigh for the big Christmas Eve trip around the world.

Suffolk News-Herald: Thanks for taking the time to talk with us today, Santa. What have you got there in that big red bag?

Santa Claus: I’ve got a bicycle for little Timmy and a dollhouse for Sarah and some art supplies for William and something called a “Hatchimal” for Nicole. I have no idea what a Hatchimal is, but the elves assure me that it’s kind of a big deal this year.

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SNH: Anything for me?

SC: You must be kidding. Remember, I know if you’ve been bad or good, and you haven’t been good.

SNH: Sorry, Santa. I’ll try to do better next year. I’ve always wondered how you fit all those toys on the sleigh.

SC: That’s classified.

SNH: Oh, well how can you get around the world in one night?

SC: Also classified. Don’t you have an editorial to write? If you wrote something nice about folks once in a while, you might get off the “Naughty” list next year.

SNH: I’ll take that under consideration. I really could use a new lens for my camera. Speaking of cameras, you must be the most-photographed person on the planet.

SC: Aside from Kim Kardashian. And by the way, she’s definitely on the “Naughty” list.

SNH: What’s your favorite Christmas snack, Santa?

SC: Umm, hello? Cookies. Do you even read the letters you guys print every year? But now that I think of it, whenever I visited your house when you were a kid, all I ever found was cookie CRUMBS! Hold on. Let me make a note on your record while I’m thinking of it.

SNH: Sorry, Santa. I’m on a diet this year, so your cookies will be intact. Let’s change the subject. What’s your favorite Christmas memory?

SC: Well, there are so many, really, it’s hard to choose just one. I love to see the bright faces of children when they come to sit on my lap and tell me what they want for Christmas. Most folks think I’m jolly because of all the cookies and milk — and I do love cookies, as I might have already mentioned. But really it’s because of the joy I see on the faces of children.

SNH: I understand, Santa. You’re a very giving person, and you set a great example for us all.

SC: Sometimes I know I can’t give the children what they want — sometimes the wishes are just more than even Kris Kringle can accommodate — and that just breaks my heart. But I appreciate folks who try to help out by donating to the Suffolk Cheer Fund. The money your paper raises for that program helps put thousands of toys under the tree, and that makes my job a lot easier.

SNH: We’re glad to do it, Santa, and we appreciate all the help from folks in Suffolk. Now, let’s talk about that list…

SC: I’ll take that under consideration. Tell the nice folks how they can donate to the Cheer Fund.

SNH: OK, here goes. Cheer Fund donations are printed in the Suffolk News-Herald and can be made in honor of or in memory of a loved one. The donor can be listed anonymously if he chooses. The donor can also have his photograph taken giving the check to be published in the newspaper.

Donations for the Cheer Fund are accepted year-round. To give, write a check payable to the Cheer Fund and mail it to P.O. Box 1220, Suffolk, VA 23439, or stop by our office at 130 S. Saratoga St. Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Online giving is also available. To give using a credit or debit card or your PayPal account, click “Donate Here” at the top of our home page,

SNH: Have a safe journey, Santa!

SC: Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!