Truck crash closes Route 460
Published 12:09 am Saturday, December 31, 2016
- A single-vehicle accident on U.S. Route 460 on Thursday shut the road down for about four hours while emergency crews cleared the wreckage and cleaned up the truck’s contents, cases of tomato sauce.
A tractor-trailer that overturned on U.S. Route 460 on Thursday morning blocked traffic for about four hours.
Maj. Gene Drewery of the Southampton County Sheriff’s Office said that office received a call about a major vehicle crash at approximately 9:53 a.m. Thursday
The accident involved only the one vehicle, which was loaded with tomato sauce.
Michael P. Hill, the driver, was not injured, according to Drewery.
He added that investigators stated it appeared Hill, 38, ran off the side of the road and over-corrected. The Henrico resident was given a summons for failing to maintain control.