Hey, what’s the big idea?
Published 8:56 pm Tuesday, January 10, 2017
So you’ve got a big idea, huh?
Well, many of us have at some time in life. Unfortunately, having the big idea is often the easy part. Simply knowing the steps to take to take that big idea into production and get it in front of the consumers that must be dying to pay for it can be an insurmountable challenge for some. Taking the big idea and figuring out how to make it real.
And then, figuring out how to achieve the various steps in the process presents its own challenge. For most folks with a big idea, the challenges prove to be too great. That’s what makes a truly Big Idea something special.
The Suffolk Public Library hopes to encourage the cultivation of a few of those truly Big Ideas this month during its first Big idea Fair.
“We want people to achieve whatever their big idea is,” said Ardith Ohka, team services supervisor for the Suffolk Public Library.
A variety of presenters and activities are scheduled for the day to help attendees grasp their own big ideas. Whether it’s traveling the world on a budget, writing a children’s book, learning to cook or anything else, the library wants to be the place to start when folks are exploring their big ideas.
The fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Jan. 28 at the North Suffolk Library, 2000 Bennetts Creek Park Road. The snow date is Feb. 18.