Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Published 8:47 pm Monday, January 16, 2017


Your generosity is truly amazing, a special blessing to those of us who work to promote and administer the Cheer Fund, the Suffolk News-Herald’s annual fundraising effort that raises money to support Toys for Tots in Suffolk.

After several years of struggling, failing to meet its goal and then dipping into limited reserves to pay for the toys that are distributed to families whose children might not otherwise have received toys at Christmas, the Cheer Fund this year broke through its goal.

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To date, the effort has raised a little more than $43,000, and the fundraising year continues through Jan. 31.

We hardly have the words to express our appreciation for your generosity. Whether you gave $5 or $5,000, be assured that your contributions were important and that we value your donations greatly.

This year, about 2,319 children in 1,011 households were helped through the Cheer Fund, which purchases toys through Toys for Tots to be distributed by the Salvation Army to families who have applied for assistance.

Thank you, also, to those who donated toys at various locations around the city. We know that there’s a special lesson many parents teach their children about giving that’s made manifest by dropping new toys into the boxes. And we know that some folks just feel better about buying the toys themselves. We appreciate your help, as well. Those toys are now in the hands of youngsters who appreciate them and have no way to thank you personally.

It’s not too late to give to the Cheer Fund and be counted in this year’s total.

To give, write a check payable to the Cheer Fund and mail it to P.O. Box 1220, Suffolk, VA 23439, or stop by our office at 130 S. Saratoga St. Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Cheer Fund donations are printed in the Suffolk News-Herald and can be made in honor of or in memory of a loved one. The donor can be listed anonymously if he chooses. The donor can also have his photograph taken giving the check to be published in the newspaper.

Online giving is also available. To give using a credit or debit card or your PayPal account, click “Donate Here” at the top of our home page,

And once again, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.