Women’s club hosts Healthy Suffolk

Published 5:49 pm Saturday, May 13, 2017

The GFWC Junto Women’s Club hosted Deborah Nadell of Healthy Suffolk as its guest speaker at its April meeting.

Deborah presented information about the Healthy Suffolk program, which offers assistance in setting up free customized walking groups and programs to any organization.

Healthy Suffolk works with groups to set goals that will realize the health benefits of walking. Some of those benefits are include weight loss, increased metabolism, healthier heart, increased self-esteem, toned muscles, increased energy and stronger and bones and joints. Walking is also a known stress reliever and assists in strengthening the immune system.

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The Healthy Suffolk program was founded in 2002 with the vision for a healthy community where all people will be inspired and enabled to make healthy lifestyle choices, to use preventive health care and to access resources to live in a safe and wholesome environment. The program is funded by a grant from the Obici Health Care Foundation. Information on how you can start a Walking Group for your organization or neighborhood can be found at suffolkpartnership.com.