Afraid of the wolf in the White House

Published 10:05 pm Wednesday, May 17, 2017

By Ruby H. Walden

President Donald Trump clearly showed who he was during his campaign. We should not be surprised at his actions now, especially when he displayed so much hatred for President Barack Obama, who had served this nation well and honorably for eight years.

This man in the president’s seat is setting the most dangerous and disgraceful examples to this nation and to the world. He lies about anyone and anything and continues to get away with it. That is because those who sold their souls to the devil trying to destroy President Obama for eight years prepared the climate for what we are now dealing with.

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Trump’s smooth flow of words and ability as a con artist fooled many into believing all the great promises he made. Some who fell for it don’t want to admit it now, and those he has appointed are now afraid of the wolf in the closet and dare not speak in opposition to him.

Trump is shrewd, smart and evil enough to wind people up in a web, preparing them as bait to be used to carry out his malicious desires.

I think most of those who voted for him did not recognize his fake messages and actions. But the Ku Klux Klan, the National Rifle Association, the hate-mongers, the religious right, the evangelicals and others who hide behind the scenes with their biases and racial opinions are of the same caliber as Trump and fell for his rhetoric.

They felt this man was just the right person to do all the dirty things they want done against certain people, to add to their wealth and to become millionaires like him.

Maybe if the money trail could be followed, if tax returns were revealed, people might be able to distinguish between the truth and lies from the most unpredictable president this nation has ever known.

As he did with the Affordable Care Act, Trump continues to prove he is determined to try to destroy everything President Obama had accomplished — and to do so out of jealousy, hatred, malice and greed.

For more than eight years, Trump, the Republican Congress and others have worked desperately to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which they renamed Obamacare. They have not repealed it or replaced it, nor have they contributed anything to make it better.

President Obama never said the bill was perfect. He invited Republicans to contribute through the process, but to no avail. Common sense would tell anyone to try to improve what was finally achieved after previous presidents have tried unsuccessfully for more than 20 years to get a health plan.

This seems unwilling to accept corrections, suggestions or warnings. He is controlling, bullying and demanding, and thinks he knows best about everything and can do whatever he wants without anyone’s input.

If there are any thinking, truthful representatives in Washington, D.C., it is time for them to wake up and take responsibility, regardless of their political persuasion or position.

They need to distinguish between truth and lies and address the serious problems the nation is facing. No nation can thrive when its leaders’ statements actions are questionable and when lies continue to build on one another.

A serious situation demands serious actions. The future of the country is at stake. Take charge of it before it’s too late.

A lifetime citizen of Suffolk, Ruby H. Walden has spent most of her adult life volunteering in the community, civic, public, political and municipal services. Email her at