Alphin would be a statesman

Published 9:53 pm Wednesday, May 24, 2017

To the editor:

I am writing this letter to inform you and your readers about one of the candidates that is running for election to the Virginia House of Delegates. People are not always well informed about whom they are selecting to represent them on the state level.

I met Rex Alphin in October 1989. One of the first things I noticed about him was that he was a working man.

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I was going through a hard time in life and needed someone to talk to who would listen, not to fix my problems, but because they cared. I was not sure who I could trust.

I met Rex, who was dressed like someone I usually would not trust but with the hands of someone who works hard, who is someone I normally would trust. He spent months helping me to get some stability in life and years after that checking on me to keep me directed.

When I found out he was running for the 64th District seat, I thought it would be good for people who don’t know him to hear from someone who has gotten to know him and been able to watch a man live for other people in a way most people in our society would not consider doing.

He is not a man who likes to blow his own horn for people to notice, but if you could see his record in life you would know he runs for this seat as a statesman and not a politician.

We don’t often hear the term “statesman” any more, because we don’t have many statesmen who are willing to give their time for the good of the people any more.

I encourage readers to get to know Rex by talking to people about him and, if possible, finding a chance to meet him in person.

He is a man, full of integrity, who takes time to listen. He loves people and is willing to fight for the good of the people he serves.

I would not write to serve myself or get the kudos for writing a letter to the editor. But I was taught by a good man’s example, that it is important in life to help people in ways they may not expect to be helped.

The only way Rex can serve your readers is for them to get out and vote for him in the primary election on June 13.

Eric Wagner
