Alphin ‘of this time and place’

Published 9:59 pm Tuesday, May 30, 2017

To the editor:

If the constituents of the 64th House of Delegates District value a candidate who possesses integrity, experience, principles and skills, then they should cast their votes for Rex Alphin as delegate in the Republican primary on June 13.

I have known Rex all of his life. He embodies the definition of the phrase, “salt of the earth,” which is most often used to describe a person of great kindness, reliability and honesty. He surely possesses these characteristics and capabilities, along with many others needed to represent the people of the 64th District.

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Rex has been connected to the rural lifestyle, people and agribusiness of the 64th his entire life. His opponent cannot boast of this. Rex has owned three small businesses, all in the 64th District and continues to be owner of Sunset View Farm operations, whereas his opponent does not own a business within the 64th District.

He has served on the Isle of Wight Planning Commission, as well as six years on the Board of Supervisors. His opponent has never served in a local government position. Rex is the only candidate who has run for office and been elected to office.

Rex supports unleashing freedom and free enterprise to create jobs, grow our economy and help small businesses. He vows support to protect our families, our communities and our rural culture, to support educational opportunity with parental choice, additional vocational training, stronger K-12 and higher education.

Additionally, he supports balancing the state budget, cutting wasteful spending and keeping Virginia taxes among the lowest in our nation.

Rex has lived in this district all of his life, invested economically in this district and farmed the land in this district for 40 years.

He is “of this time and place” and as brilliant and promising as each and every colorful sunset over the land he farms. He can and will represent us all with skilled leadership tempered with the pride, dignity and grace that he has shown his entire life.

Penny Duke
