Brewer will be a ‘bellwether’
Published 9:51 pm Friday, June 30, 2017
To the editor:
When it comes to bellwethers for the 64th District and Richmond, Emily Brewer leads the pack. Emily Brewer will not be a talker, but will deliver results with action.
She will be a bellwether when it comes to fiscal responsibility. No business should have to close after more than 100 years because of taxes. Taxes can damage any business out there and limit jobs.
When it comes to job growth and the economy, Emily Brewer is someone you can trust. She knows we need to cut the red tape. Government needs to get out of the way, so business can thrive. Regulations, in addition to taxes, hurt businesses.
If you vote in the 64th District I ask that you vote for Emily Brewer for House Delegate in November.
She will be a bellwether for the commonwealth and a strong voice with results.
Adam Washington