Dems voted against protecting Americans

Published 7:21 pm Tuesday, July 4, 2017

By Susan Stamper Brown

Only in Washington, D.C., will you find politicians so wrapped up in themselves, their party, crazed ideology — or something — that they will not come together to pass legislation for the sake and safety of the American people.

Even though the House managed to pass two commonsense, safety-focused bills on June 29, it is beyond comprehension that most Democrats voted against Kate’s Law and the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act. The GOP did have a handful of rogue nays, but very few in comparison.

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What were they thinking?

Whatever they were thinking, it had little to do with safety and security of Americans. Leftists do their best to hoodwink normal Americans into accepting their San Francisco-style values like the absurd presumption that it is moral to break federal immigration law and shelter those who illegally cross our borders, instead of following the rule of law to protect U.S. citizens.

A little background on the two bills: Lawmakers introduced Kate’s Law after an illegal immigrant killed a beautiful, young San Francisco woman named Kate Steinle.

Although her killer, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, had a lengthy list of felony convictions and multiple deportations, sanctuary city policies meant the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department would not honor a detainer issued by U.S. Immigration and Customs. Sheriff’s officials said they found no active warrant for his arrest, so rather than contacting ICE to pick him up, they released him and the rest is history.

The San Francisco in which Lopez-Sanchez found sanctuary, was one in which Steinle did not. Kate’s Law serves to enforce immigration laws already on the books, imposing mandatory minimum prison sentences for lawbreakers like Lopez-Sanchez should they reenter the U.S. post-deportation.

The No Sanctuary for Criminals Act cuts off federal grant money to safe-harbor cities and forces sanctuary-city leadership to take responsibility for their actions, opening the way for victims of illegal immigrant crimes to sue.

You would never know it from the uproar by the left, but we are talking only about illegal immigration, not legal immigration, though Washington Democrats and their corporate media sidekicks have an astonishingly tough time differentiating between the two.

The left’s obsession with protecting lawbreakers at taxpayers’ expense is baffling. Taxpayers in San Francisco are set to foot the bill for a $190,000 lawsuit brought by an illegal immigrant who sued because a police officer had the audacity to obey federal immigration laws and report his whereabouts to ICE, reports CBS’s KPIX-TV.

It comes as no surprise that a Harvard-Harris Poll survey taken earlier this year found that 80 percent of voters surveyed reject sanctuary cities, because they believe “local authorities should have to comply with the law by reporting to federal agents the illegal immigrants they come into contact with.”

Regardless of surveys or polls or public opinion, Senate Democrats will try to defeat these two bills using the lame excuse they have already raised that supporting this legislation might somehow ramp up fear in the immigrant community.

Apparently, there is nothing more petrifying than obeying the law.

Besides the Almighty, the only thing Democrats should fear is themselves. They alone are responsible for the mess they are in and the chaos they have created.

It would be nice to believe Senate Democrats will set aside their partisanship and emotions long enough to do what’s right by the American people to vote “yes” on this legislation. But, if history is any indication, don’t hold your breath.

So, with countenances drawn and somber defeat on their faces, Democrats will march lockstep into the 2018 midterm elections as weak on crime and weedy on principles as ever.

Susan Stamper Brown  lives in Alaska and writes about culture, politics and current events. Email her at