Time to invest in The People’s Budget

Published 9:58 pm Tuesday, July 11, 2017

To the editor:

While members of the Republican majority are competing to see who can make the deepest cuts, there is a budget proposal before Congress that would boost the economy for all of us while cutting the number of people in poverty in half.

It’s The People’s Budget, proposed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus. The People’s Budget invests in safe and productive infrastructure, education, affordable housing, health care and nutrition, child care and working family tax credits.

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It calls for increasing the minimum wage.

These investments will create 3.6 million jobs and set us on a path to cut poverty in half in 10 years. The People’s Budget invests $2 trillion in infrastructure spending, expanding rural broadband, universal pre-kindergarten and free college tuition at state and community colleges.

Every year without fail, our elected representatives give over half of the discretionary budget to the Pentagon, leaving less than half to be divided up to fund education, healthcare, environmental spending, infrastructure and everything else.

Brenneca Wiley