A letter to God regarding Las Vegas
Published 10:20 pm Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Dear God,
“At the outset, I thank you, dear Almighty God, that I’m alive and doing well. Thank you for my faith, family and friends near and far. I pray, ‘God bless all of us, and may you always keep us safe from harm. Make us a channel of your peace to everyone we come in contact with. And let us love you more as we try our best to love our family, friends and neighbors. Let peace reign in our heads and our hearts. All of this I ask through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.’”
When I woke up Monday morning to National Public Radio’s Morning Edition I was saddened to hear of the tragic mass shooting incident in Las Vegas.
Singer Jason Aldean was performing Sunday night when the shooting occurred. Country star Jake Owen was also there on stage and witnessed the shooting.
Such a traumatic scenario. There was chaos and confusion, panic and fear.
As of this writing, dear God, nearly 60 people were killed and more than 500 were injured. Police have identified the shooter as Stephen Paddock, 64, a local resident, who took his own life as police closed in on his position.
Dear God, why? Why did this massacre happen? Why would a gunman disrupt a concert and inflict violence against people who were simply having a good time? Why did he do it, dear God? What was his motive? What made him do it? Was he mentally deranged? Was this an act of revenge or just merely an act to prove that he was powerful and fearless because of his weapons?
Was he under the influence of drugs and alcohol? Where, when and how did he get all his weapons? Why did he choose to attack that group of people? Who or what may have influenced him to perpetrate this shooting spree?
We search for answers, dear God. Please enlighten us who are shocked and saddened and devastated about this attack.
Lots of tragic incidents gun violence, dear God, have taken place in our country — Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech and more. Why?
There are debates upon debates regarding gun laws, and yet people continue to be killed. These innocent victims had their lives cut short and their dreams unrealized because of bullets. They did not live their life to their full potentials because of bullets fired from guns.
Families are left helpless and hapless, torn and devastated. They mourn their loss without ceasing. Why, dear God? Why?
Dear God, please make us peace-loving and law-abiding people. Please make us vigilant and considerate, respectful, understanding and tolerant of others. Make us instruments of your goodness, peace and love.
May those victims and their families find peace, comfort and love. Thank you, dear and loving God.
Chris A. Quilpa, a retired U.S. Navy veteran, lives in Suffolk. Email him at chris.a.quilpa@gmail.com.