Police reports for Oct. 30
Published 10:45 pm Tuesday, October 31, 2017
The following information comes directly from the City of Suffolk Department of Media and Community Relations. It should be noted that a criminal charge is only an accusation and does not indicate a conviction has or will be attained nor that the party listed in the arrest report is guilty of the crime listed.
October 30
Tampering with a vehicle, Parker Drive
Petit larceny, Carolina Road
Credit card/ATM fraud, South Saratoga Street
Lost or stolen property, Lipton Circle
Larceny – shoplifting, College Drive
Destruction of property, Ashford Drive
Credit card/ATM fraud, Lake Cohoon Road
Vandalism of private property, Truman Road
Theft from a motor vehicle, Parker Drive
Vandalism of private property, Saint James Avenue
Simple domestic assault, Westwood Drive
Hit and run, North Saratoga Street
Grand larceny, Village Square Place
Simple domestic assault, Arabian Place
Credit card/ATM fraud, Nansemond River Drive
Recovered stolen property, Wilroy Road
Throwing missiles at an occupied vehicle, Market Street and North Street
Theft from a motor vehicle, Wilroy Road
Throwing missiles at an occupied vehicle, West Washington Street
Assault police officer, Arabian Place
Grand larceny, North Main Street
Hit and run, Farrier Cove
Larceny – shoplifting, North Main Street
Jennifer Nicole Kinne, 31, trespassing (M)
Brehyon Wallace, 24, reckless handling of a firearm (M)
Ann Marie Dupree, 31, contempt of court (M)
Desi Arnez White, 36, contempt of court (M)
Scottie Harris, 50, sex offender registration violation (F)
Jatayla Renee Turner, 26, threatening phone calls (M)
William Lavorn Johnson, 62, larceny of property valued at more than $200 with intent to sell (F)
M – Misdemeanor
F – Felony